About Us


Indian Traditional Foods

India is land of different languages and cultures. Each culture has their own taste & own way of creating that taste. It's said that in India a person could get three different meals till the age of 83 year without repeating a single recipe. From Kashmir to Kanyalannari and Assam to Rajasthan ,Regional taste of each state has been developed with use of local ingredients.

We noticed that most of the Indian food products are available across globe but yet there is a space , Which forces NRI's to fill their baggage with local taste. The other gap is how to keep intact new generatiorawith heritage taste of India , Which have been bom and brought up in foreign land.

ITF identified and filled these gap's with innovative range of products which not only keeps traditional taste of your favorite food joint from your city but also keeps the new generation intact by innovations & convenience.

Please join with us for "Celebration of Innovation's" of Great Indian Royal Heritage Taste.

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